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A MSZNET legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Tájékoztató az elhalasztott ISGE kongresszus aktualitásairól és az addig is rendszeresen tartott online oktató kurzusokról
    [2020.05.28.] - MSZNET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Kedves MSZNET tagok!

    Kérlek olvassátok el Prof. Andrea Genazzani ISGE elnök minden MSZNET tagot megszólító levelét az elhalasztott ISGE kongresszus aktualitásairól és az addig is rendszeresen tartott online oktató kurzusokról.

    Remélem minél többen részt tudunk venni rajtuk és a decemberre halasztott ISGE kongresszuson.

    Baráti üdvözlettel, jó egészséget kívánva,

    Dr. Jakab Attila
    MSZNET elnök


    Dear Friends and Colleagues ,
    first of all, I hope my mail find you well and safe !

    Further to my previous message of the end of February, I gladly confirm that the ISGE 2020 World Congress will take place in Florence, 2 -5 December 2020 in the same venue, Fortezza da Basso.

    As advised, I confirm that all engagements with the organizing, scientific secretariat and myself related to the Congress are automatically shifted to the new Congress dates.

    Moreover, please be also kindly advised that the new deadline for the abstract submission of orals and/or posters presentations is updated and allowed up to 30th September, and also submitted/accepted abstracts can be modified. Here the direct link: https://isge2020.isgesociety.com/abstract/

    Furthermore, to testify the commitment of the whole ISGE Board, it is my pleasure to inform you that for the ISGE 2020 World Congress in Florence, we will start a series of Webinars, reserved and for free for all the Congress registered participants, currently one every 15 days, from 15:00 to 16:00 (CET central European time)

    Here the relative link:

    The structure of these ISGE Webinars is:
    • Each webinar will feature 2 speakers and one chairperson, with a preferred topic and a presentation title each
    • It will last 60 minutes time
    • Each speaker will have 15 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion (Q&A)

    Although this initiative is designed to support the ISGE 2020 Congress adding value to those that decided to maintain their registration (more than 1500 maintained their registration) also people not registered for the ISGE 2020 yet, will have the possibility to attend the webinars. They will have the possibility either to register to the congress and get all the webinars for free or to register for one or more webinars only at very small price. (30 euros each)

    I would very much like to ask you the spreading of the information of our ISGE Webinars all your Society’s Members, your colleagues, students and trainees.

    Last, but not least, Corona is getting a lot of troubles but we are stronger than that, therefore I’m happy to announce you that in addition to our next World Congress in December 2020, we also have the dates for the 2022 Congress as well as for the 2024

    The 20th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology will be held in Florence, 2nd-5th March 2022.
    The 21st World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology will always be held in Florence, 6th-9th March 2024.

    With all my Friendship, I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you soon in Florence

    Sincerely Yours,
    Andrea Genazzani


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